General information

Zinc content in marks is strictly regulated by GOST. Quality vintage zinc offered by our company, is tested in the laboratory. To verify compliance with regulatory and accompanying documentation, using modern methods for the determination of zinc as the main element, and the number of impurities. It determines the content of elements such as arsenic, tin, copper, iron, cadmium, lead, zinc itself.

Previously received zinc pyro techniques now electrolytic zinc in the volume of total output is about 90%. Our company has carried out the sale of zinc C0a, C0 CV0, C1 C2, zinc price depends on the brand, refer to the table, which shows the price of zinc. We also supply high-purity zinc for scientific investigations.Zinc, depending on the brand of the corresponding marked with colored paint, with the exception of high-purity zinc, Makira its packaging, as Zinc ingots may incorporate additional admixtures. Global zinc production increased annually, but zinc prices continue to rise, its price on the London Metal Exchange in the near future will not decrease significantly, given the current trend, experts predict that zinc prices will only grow.

Analysts attributed this to the development of the construction industry, the automotive industry and mechanical engineering. Manufacture and sale of zinc in Russia is also on the rise, zinc production is constantly evolving. 7 Zinc Density g / cm3, melting temperature of 419 C, Bunsen burner flame can melt (vaporize) zinc, its boiling point 906 C. Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area secured in the GN Use of zinc in the printing and automotive industries, in the production of zinc powder, in galvanizing, in alloys, goes to the anodes in electroplating zinc metal brand CV is the backbone of many zinc-aluminum coating, a zinc roof made of zinc-titanium. Buyers should pay attention to the fact that the price of zinc in the Russian market depends on how much zinc on the London Metal Exchange, and therefore cannot be below it. Zinc (ingot weighing about 25 kg).


Grade of zinc ingots
- Zinc CV0
- Zinc C0a
- Zinc C0
- Zinc C1
- Zinc C2


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