Zinc Protector - one of the types of products supplied by our organization. This protector is used as a means of electrochemical protection on various ships - passenger, freight, small size, ferries and on offshore platforms and pipelines. Zinc Protector creates an artificial electrical circuit extending between the product itself and the metal of which it is intended to protect against corrosion. Used protectors of zinc as painted and unpainted surfaces. In the second case, the rejection of painting materials enables significant savings. According to the principle of its operation, all protectors are divided into short-circuited, suspended, adjustable and switchable with ballast. Since most metal structures are made of steel, as a protector for metals which can be used with a more negative electrode potential value - zinc and zinc alloys. Our organization is ready to offer you any size zinc protector, and the weight of the finished product can range from five to eighty-four kilograms. All products are made by our specialists with the requirements of GOST. Our product range is represented by short Zinc Protector brands KOTS P-5, P-Kots-10, P-Kots-15, P-Kots-36. It is worth noting that the cathodic protection system can be installed on new and already entered into the reservoirs operation. It should be noted that the zinc protector absolutely fireproof. In this connection it is used for oil tankers, unlike protectors, magnesium or aluminum alloys. Another definite plus zinc as the material for the protectors is that the anodic dissolution when in use does not form wastes polluting working environment. Zinc protector, depending on the operating conditions, can last from ten to thirty years. This research has shown that with this type of protection of tanks and vessels during this period did not require repair.