Sheets of nickel - one of the varieties of the nickel metal-roll. Made Prices nickel NP3 in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6235. The material for their production is a nickel grade NP3, containing not less than 99.3% nickel. The proportion of impurities shall not exceed 0.07%. Used sheets NP3 nickel grade in various fields of mechanical engineering and instrument making.
Our company pays special attention to the organization of continuous quality control at all stages of delivery. That is why we have provided lists of nickel did not inferior to the quality of the products of foreign manufacturers.
If you choose nickel sheets, we recommend special attention be paid to inspection of their surface. It should be flat and smooth, not have impurities which may interfere with visual inspection. The surface of the sheets must not be damaged - cracks, scratches, chips, dents. The presence of any of these defects suggests that before poor quality nickel sheets made with serious impairment of the process. The edges of all sheets must not be torn or crumpled appearance, and burrs.
nickel sheets are available in various thicknesses - from five to twenty millimeters. The width of sheets varies from five hundred to eight hundred millimeters, and their length may be adjusted from fifty centimeters to two meters. When this sheet length can be both dimensional (multiple of ten centimeters) and the off-gage. Nickel sheets should withstand tensile strength from 370 to 540 MPa, depending on the hardness of the material.
We manufacture and sell sheets of nickel grade NP3 various thicknesses and sizes. Since the main principle of our work is an individual approach to each customer, our organization is always ready for you to make lists of nickel with the necessary characteristics.
Finished sheets of nickel packed parties in latticed wooden boxes. Their transportation and storage does not require special conditions. If necessary, we will deliver your order at any convenient place and time. It is enough to tell that you require delivery services to our manager when ordering. In addition, in our phone, you can find out the prices for all kinds of products from a wide range of rolled metal and semi-finished products, as well as to clarify the method of payment of the goods.