Bronze Circle (bar) is a type of bronze rolled. BrAMts 9 - 2 - is Tinless, copper alloy, processed by pressure, the main alloying element which acts as aluminum. Its production is carried out or go Hot-pressed and cold-pull techniques. The chemical composition and the brand tinless bronze wrought alloys, which include BrAMts 9 - 2 are determined by GOST 18175 and GOST 1628.
Chemical composition:
- Copper - base
- Aluminum - 0.8 - 10%
- Manganese - 1.5%
- Iron - 0.5%
- Silicon - 0 to 1%
- Phosphorus - up to 0.01%
- Lead - up to 0.03%
- Zinc - up to 1%
- Tin - 0 to 1%
All impurities up to 1.5%
Casting and technological properties.
Melting point - 1060 �
hot working temperature - 750 - 850 degrees
annealing temperature - 650 750 degrees.
Physical characteristics circles BrAMts 9 - 2.
At t = 20 �.
The density of the material - 7630 / kg * m 3
Thermal conductivity - 71.4 W / m * �
Toughness - 6 - 8 kg
- m / cm2
Tensile Strength - 53 kgf / mm2
Elongation - 12%
Electrical conductivity - 0.1 - 0.13 1 / th (See)
At t = 100 degrees.
Temperature coefficient (linear expansion) - 17 1 / deg
The specific heat of the material - 461 J / kg * deg
The thermal conductivity is much lower than those of copper and brass.
Mechanical properties.
At t = 20 �.
Circle semisolid GOST 2618:
- Tensile strength - 540 MPa;
- Elongation at break - 12 - 15%;
Extruded Circle:
- Tensile strength - 470 - 490 MPa;
is the relative elongation at break - 20%;
- The coefficient of friction with lubrication - 0,006;
- Coefficient of friction without lubrication - 0.18.
Aluminum bronze BrAMts 9 - 2 has a high resistance at alternating load.
Followed BrAMts 9 -2 are used for the production of shafts, propellers, gears, bushes, parts for hydraulic installations for the manufacture of parts of vessels in the chemical industry. In the form of semi-finished products of this brand are produced bronze circles, rods, wire. The wire is used for welding of copper, brass, copper - nickel alloy with aluminum-manganese bronze, for manual and mechanized welding on steel. Welding wire is manufactured in twisted bay or wound onto a reel. Followed BrAMts 9 - 2 are available cross-section of 16 mm - 160 mm, length - 3000 mm. Cold-circles are rare, available only on request.