Aluminum paste is made up of crushed aluminum particles and a binder additive. Actively used in the production of aerated concrete, rubber adhesives, paints, anti-corrosion grease, etc. For the production of aerated concrete as the blowing agent used aluminum paste GPB1 and GPB2. The methods of manufacturing the paste is dry and wet grinding method. A disadvantage of the first is the use of highly corrosion inhibitors to reduce the percent of spontaneous and unwanted chemical gasification reactions. On the other hand, the content of the binder additive in the wet milling using equals 15-30%, which significantly reduces dusting. The positive side of the dry method has a greater shelf-life and a higher content of active aluminum that affect the kinetics of the gassing stability performance and reduces the consumption of blowing agent. Aluminum gas-paste GPB1 for concrete includes a 78.3% mass fraction of active aluminum. The material contains in its composition aluminum powder PAP-1 brands with an organic additive (diethylene glycol). Packaged aluminum paste GPB1 in metal drums weighing from 25 to 45kg. Pasta has kinetics of hydrogen gas evolution expressed in the 10 cc 2 minutes. Indicator material particle dispersion was 50%. Unlike aluminum powder, aluminum paste GPB1 more uniform and safe to use, has a higher economic indicator. Through connectivity particle paste is less toxic and explosive.