Aluminum sheet AMtsM -AMts

Aluminum sheet AMtsM -AMts

Used in the industry aluminum sheet varies by cutting methods, marks, chemical composition, physical characteristics. One of the most popular is the aluminum sheet AMtsM manufactured according to GOST 21631-76. When labeling alloys of aluminum letters may be referred to another additional element, and figures - its percentage. The chemical composition of GOST 4784-74 AMts limited, it contains impurities of copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) in an amount of about one percent. Impurities present alloy provides high flexibility with good hardness and resistance to corrosion. Also, the material of this type are well welded. Also, additional letters may be referred to the type of mechanical or thermal treatment. As the surface treatment method, the sheets are divided:
aluminum sheet AMtsM (annealing);
aluminum sheet AMtsN2 (cold deformation).
The annealed sheet, due to its physical and mechanical properties, is the most widely used. Aluminum sheet AMtsM flexible, perfectly withstand deformation in the cold and hot conditions. Annealed aluminum lends itself well to the gas, atomic hydrogen and argon arc welding modes, as seam strength corresponds to the strength of the material after annealing. Suitable for the manufacture of window frames, decorative elements, building structures - floors and frames, to cover the roofs and floors. Chemical resistance it is used in the production of radiators, containers for beverages, glassware, working under pressure. Widely used in aluminum sheet AMtsM structures of coastal areas, as well as in the casing of river and sea vessels.

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