Electrodes for aluminum welding

Electrodes for aluminum welding

Welding of aluminum produced filler with special aluminum electrodes. Aluminum electrodes melt much faster than others, so the welding process must take place more quickly. Furthermore, before using the electrode, it is necessary for two hours to dry it. This is an important prerequisite for the use of this material. Thus for aluminum welding electrodes should have negative polarity, but the cord which is applied to the plate should have a positive charge. If aluminum plate having a thickness of 2 mm, the welding process is carried out directly by the electrode. Before carrying out welding to prepare the surface, and that means clean of any debris using white spirit, solvent RS-1, RS-2 or technical acetone. In the CIS countries made a series of two electrodes - OAD, UANA and Ozan. OAD-1 used for welding only pure aluminum. The structure of such an electrode includes aluminum wire SvA1. In order to weld aluminum-silicon alloys are required electrodes OAD-2, which consist of wire SvAK10, SvAKZ and SvAK5. Ozan - electrodes for aluminum, which are made from aluminum wire and AD1 AV2T and SvAKZ or SvAK5. With their help, you can also clean weld aluminum materials and aluminum-silicon. Welding electrodes for aluminum Ozan-1 have three forms of delivery - is 400 mm, with 4 mm diameter, 350 mm and 310 mm. With regard to electrodes UANA series, they are more suitable for cast and wrought aluminum alloys. In practice, the aluminum electrodes are not often used, although such a method has important advantages - electrodes inexpensive cost and simple process use. Such a welding method is more suitable for field use and for small workshops.

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