Other rolled cooper

Other rolled cooper

According to GOST 859 rolled copper is determined by nine major brands, different percentage entering the main element. The most commonly used M00 (99.99%), M0 (99.95%), M1 (99.90%), M2 (99.70%), M3 (99.50%), M4 (99.0%) . Behind the main label indicate the sign indicating the way to obtain the metal:
- "B" - OFC
- "P" - deoxidized copper
- "K" - cathode copper
The designation "E" indicates the possibility to apply for rental in electrical engineering.
Conventionally rolled copper can be divided into flat and round.
1. Rod.
According to distinguish the shape of the cross section round (CR), Allen (SH), square (HF) bars. Based on the state of the material all rolled copper, including rods, divided into mild (M), a semi-solid (R) and the solid (T).
Methods for producing copper rod:
- Pressed (Hot)
- Drawn (cold-).
Nominal Diameter 3-50mm drawn bars, dimensions of pressed rolled up 20-150mm.
Length: multiple dimensional (CT), off-gage (ND), in coils (BT).
It is used in electrical engineering to create conductive materials, instrumentation, metallurgy, construction, mechanical engineering, as well as for the production of seamless pipes. Used in the manufacture of dies and typographic preform for nuts, washers, screws, etc.
2. Wire
Copper wire is produced of the following brands:
- "MM" - soft copper
- "MEM" - soft enamelling
- "IMB" - soft OFC
- "MT" - solid copper
- "MFE" - a firm enamelling
- "MTB" - solid OFC
- "MC" - for overhead lines
Depending on the brand of copper thread manufactured with a diameter of up to 16mm 0,0125mm.
The starting material for the production of copper wire rod acts as classes A and B, or other semi-finished products made from copper grade of not lower than M0. This rolled copper for use in ready-made or intended for further manufacture of wires, cords, cables and other electrical products. From several separate but interconnected wires twisted copper wire produced. Copper wire, ropes and cables of copper is often used in ground systems, lightning protection or potential equalization, as well as in the automotive, telecommunications and electricity industries.
3. Copper pipe
Pipe rolled copper is characterized by a wall thickness, outer diameter and length. Nominal outer diameter can vary from 6mm to 267mm, and the nominal wall thickness 0,5-3,0mm.
Along the length of the copper pipes are manufactured in lengths measured length (CD) or the free bays (BT), the ordered layering (BU) and the flat spiral (BS) winding.

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