Bioproducts Plant

Our holding in the Southern Federal District of Russia has built one of the largest processing enterprises in Europe to produce environmentally friendly products from raw materials grown on our farmland in the Stavropol, Krasnodar Territories, Rostov Region and the Republic of Crimea. All of our land has been tested by laboratories of the European Union and Laboratories of the Russian Federation - this is only for raw materials for processing; similarly, all manufactured products are subjected to quarterly laboratory tests by the commission of the European Union and the Russian Federation. Since we act in accordance with European Union Directives No. 834/2007, No. 889/2008, No. 1235/2008, as well as in accordance with the Russian Charter “Organic System”.













A large number of our agricultural products are exclusively environmentally friendly. Wheat, corn, oats, barley, peas, buckwheat, soybeans, sunflower, rye, all melons. In 2022, we received an environmental certificate from the European Union in accordance with Directives No. 834/2007, No. 889/2008, No. 1235/2008. In 2021, we received a certificate of conformity issued by the Russian organic system.

All ecological products are grown without the use of nitrates, pesticides, phosphates, on environmentally friendly fields in the Stavropol, Krasnodar Territories, Rostov Region and the Republic of Crimea. We use advanced technologies and modern equipment to ensure the high quality and naturalness of our products and full compliance with food safety standards. Raw materials products are completely free from GMOs and Dioxin. Cultivation Processes and Strict Quality Control: Our commitment to naturalness and consumer well-being drives our meticulous approach to cultivation and quality control. We use advanced farming methods and our farmers carefully monitor all aspects of the process to ensure the highest quality products. We strictly follow all the necessary rules, as well as adherence to farming traditions passed down from generation to generation. We use only the best practices to ensure the superior quality of our final product and the preservation of the natural properties and benefits of our products. During the growing phase, our painstaking efforts include careful seed selection, planting in organic fields and regular monitoring of crop conditions throughout the growing process.

All our products are produced at an eco-friendly enterprise and do not contain any additives, leavening agents, or flavorings. All natural product.

Check out the list of products, it will expand every year:

Premium wheat baking flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

First grade wheat flour (code OK-02910.61). Organic product.

Extra finely ground wheat flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

French grade wheat flour T80 (code OK-29 10.61). Organic product.

Wheat baking flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Whole grain wheat flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Whole grain barley flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Wheat bran (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Spelled wheat bran (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Spelled wheat bran (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Rye bran (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Oat bran (code OK-029 10-61). Organic product.

Sifted rye flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Rye flour No. 375 (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Peeled rye baking flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Rye baking flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Whole grain rye flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Extra finely ground spelled wheat flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Extra finely ground spelled wheat flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Spelled wheat flour No. 450 (toOd OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Spelled wheat flour No. 450 (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Whole grain spelled wheat flour (code OK-.029 10.61). Organic product.

Polished peas. (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Whole grain spelled flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Whole grain oat flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Whole grain buckwheat flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Whole grain pea flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Millet flour (code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Wheat for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Rye for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Spelled wheat for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Spelled wheat, hulled for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Hulse spelled wheat for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Chaffy spelled wheat for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Spelled wheat, hulled for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Filmy oats for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Oats, hulled for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Hull oats for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Hulled barley for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Chaffy barley for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Millet for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Buckwheat for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61). Organic product.

Peas for food purposes (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Crushed wheat groats (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Whole wheat groats (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Semolina with bran (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Crushed rye cereal (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Whole rye cereal (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Spelled wheat cereal, crushed (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Whole spelled wheat groats (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Crushed spelled wheat (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Whole spelled wheat groats (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Crushed oatmeal (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Whole oatmeal (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Pearl barley groats (Code OK-02910.61.3). Organic product.

Barley groats (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Whole barley groats (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Buckwheat groats, not steamed (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Quick-cooking buckwheat groats (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Millet, polished (Code OK-029 10.61.3). Organic product.

Baking set: organic rye bread with molded sourdough (Code OK-029 10.61.4). Organic product.

Baking set: organic wheat bread with molded sourdough (Code OK-029 10.61.4). Organic product.

Baking set: organic spelled bread with molded sourdough (Code OK-029 10.61.4). Organic product.

Baking set: organic spelled bread with molded sourdough (Code OK-029 10.61.4). Organic product.

Gift set for baking: organic rye bread with molded sourdough (Code OK-029 10.61.4). Organic product.